
May 25, 2018


This seems to have developed into more of a change log rather than a blog. I'm going through a little rough patch right now after graduation, so maybe I'll write a little about that in the coming days. I've made even more changes here. I got rid of the weird background with trees and mountains and tried to make an interactive background. I'll write up a little post about that in the programming section. I also change the CSS of the site. I found a cool little css library (are they called libraries?) which gives the whole page a sort of hand-drawn look. Very cool. I also rewrote a lot of the code for the rocketry page. I think I have more pictures and stuff that I can put on there, but right now I'm a little busy with two or three other projects. I have a computational physics project which I want to put up for the world to see, and I also have my 'rough patch' I need to work through. I'm a little stressed right now because there are things out of my control. So I procrastinate with this website which is totally under my control.

May 19, 2018

Home for the Summer

I made some more changes to the website, I decided to nix the IRC chat window. As viewcounts went up, there seemed to be nobody staying on the chat, and I want to make something where messages can be a little more permanent like a messageboard. I also decided to make the naviation a little less flashy and little more me. I'm currently graduated from college, and I'm at home over the summer, so expect a little more content as I figure out what I'm going to do with my life. However most of my stuff is packed away in a storage locker, so there's not going to be a lot of science content. I managed to take my small piano on the plane, so here's to a summer of making music.

May 18, 2018

More Changes

Hey there, it's been a little while since I've been able to update the website, but everything seems to be in order now. I've got a few projects destined to be put up here, but right now I am still working on the basics - structure. I want to put a message board on the front of the website, so that people visiting can see what other people visitng have said and can write things themselves. I still don't know how to do that with the limitations by Neocities, but I'm working on it slowly. I also have a few summer projects that I want to put up on the site so that I can document and write about them. Music is coming!

March 6, 2018

Still Working

I'm still working out some kinks. My last website allowed different types of content, and I was able to host all sorts of interesting files and scripts. Here I can't and I'm steadily working around that right now. Currently I'm working on getting the few programming projects I have lying around up here, and then working on the music section. The science section is less of a priority because of the time factor. I can bang out a small programming project in a weekend, but a 'science project' takes a few weeks at the least because of various unavoidable hurdles. Here's a list of a few of the project's I'm working on right now (as well as a checklist for my to work through).

March 5, 2018

About Me

I'm a senior at university struggling with direction and burnout. I guess that explains a lot of why I decided to spend a lot of time on here and make such an extensive website.